Saturday, October 18, 2008


Not much going on today...

Got a haircut which is nice and was much needed, studied with Hannah for our midterms, and talked to Rogelio on the phone...I miss him alot and won't see him for a couple weeks.

It's pretty much a year ago I moved over to El Salvador and I miss it alot. I was thinking about it all day...the smell of the place, the heat, the trees, the busses, the church, the people, the food, the ocean, the markets...the list goes on! I was talking to Rogelio today and we want to go back and live there. Not sure when though because the life down there is a bit more difficult. We both miss it alot. We don't care where we go as long as we're together!

I'm hoping this week will go well as I write a couple midterms. I'm scared about Friday! I have a skills midterm which means that we have to either make a bed, put on a gown and gloves, wash hands, transfer patients, or do range of motion exercises, while a nurse with a clipboards sits there quietly marking us. Talk about pressure! Anyways gonna go take it easy and prepare for an evening of nothingness!

1 comment:

JDR said...

I will be reading your blog!!! :D